Liz Coursen to confront comma at January meeting
The Sarasota Fiction Writers will kick off 2018 with a bang, as its members tackle one of the thorniest issues in the English language: the use of the comma.
According to award-winning Sarasota author and editor Liz Coursen, “Commas are, hands down, the most abused mark of punctuation — bar none.” Coursen, author of 10 books about American English punctuation and grammar, will present an hour-long comma workshop, “Comma Common Sense,” on Jan. 2 at 6 p.m. at Selby Library.
“There are certain and specific rules about comma use, and once you know these rules, the placement of commas takes on a certain fitness, an appropriateness, that you can’t forget,” said Coursen.
Sarasota Fiction Writers meetings are free and open to the public.