Why critique? Well, do you know a better way to improve your writing than to expose it to a panel of helpful writers? The best of us may think our story is flawless, but why did we write "lead" when we meant "led?" Did we forget to tell our readers that Frankie and Johnny (in the classic ballad) are hetero lovers, or that we meant Columbus, Georgia, not Indiana, Mississippi, Nebraska, or Ohio?
Some say, "Every writer needs an editor." But a critique isn't just for editing. It's also for learning, enjoying, and helping others. So bring ten copies of up to ten pages to our monthly critique meeting and let's take a look. Learn. Improve. Have fun.
Members of the Sarasota Fiction Writers group meet on the third Wednesday of each month at 6PM at Barnes & Noble, 4010 South Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, FL 34231.
New critique group! Our KidLit critique group, featuring children's literature, will meet on the fourth Monday of every month at 6PM at Barnes & Noble, 4010 South Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, FL 34231.
What do we mean by "children's literature?" Yes, the definitions are fuzzy. Children’s literature, in this case, follows the generally accepted (by librarians) use of the term, from the earliest books for infants, read-aloud, picture books, etc., all the way through young adult. Also, this basic definition is used by the SCBWI (Society of Children’s Book Writer’s and Illustrators). Basically, if you can find it in the children’s section of most public libraries, that’s what we mean.
Note: Across Florida, the SCBWI has its own critique groups. This will not be an official SCBWI critique group. However, if you know current SCBWI members, feel free to invite them to check us out.